
April in Chicago

4.22.2019 — In California, April means a tranquil ease out of mild, wet winter into the sunny perfection of spring to review your ennui at liesure. April in Chicago, however, was all violent contrasts, tantalizing then punishing.

“Tainted Taps” named a finalist in visual storytelling by EWA

4.10.2019 — A 2018 EdSource special report on lead in California school drinking water called Tainted Taps has been named a finalist in the Visual Storytelling category by Education Writers Association (EWA).

Short story “The Helicopter” published in Cagibi

3.2.2019 — In January my short story "The Helicopter" was published in Issue 5 of Cagibi.

EYE-80 SoundCloud launched

8.22.2018 — Earlier this year I launched a new electronic music project called EYE-80, after the freeway I grew up on, on SoundCloud.

Music Writing in “Riff”

4.7.2018 — Lately I've been doing some writing for a Bay Area music website. Here's a roundup of some of the coverage.

“Kingdoms of the Border” published in Full Stop Quarterly

1.19.2018 — An essay of mine on the work of Mexican novelist Yuri Herrera called "Kingdoms of the Border" was published in the most recent issue of Full Stop Quarterly.

Short story “Bangr” published in Catamaran

11.18.2017 — Santa Cruz quarterly Catamaran has published a short story of mine in their Fall 2017 issue. The story, called "Bangr," is a satirical-but-plausible chronicle of the design of a dating app in the fiercely competitive, everyday dystopia of present-day San Francisco.

Short story “Sir” published in Crannóg 46

11.2.2017 — My short story "Sir" was published in Irish literary journal Crannóg, Issue 46 (Winter 2017) - my first print publication outside the United States.

Student Homelessness Package for EdSource

10.6.2017 — I put together the web presentation for an EdSource special report on student homelessness. The five-story package includes a map and audio story, and weeks of on the ground reporting and data analysis to bring urgent news on how the housing crisis in California is being felt by the most vulnerable: youth, students and the poor.

What Muay Thai Teaches You About Feedback

8.2.2016 — When someone’s leg is flying at you, it’s important to feel like you can trust them. At the Muay Thai gym in Oakland I trained at for over a year, I learned that feedback is all-important.

Anthropomorphizing Machines

8.8.2015 — Thoughts on AI hype and the increasingly popular idea of conscious machines. Software is error-prone, brittle, constantly breaking. It is very far off from the self-directed, self-healing nature of the brain.

My New Tech Blog – Forwardslash

8.8.2015 — It's a hybrid of the code-focused developer notebook a lot of programmer blogs consist of, and a notebook for where tech intersects with other things, like visual art or music.